It’s so much more than just painting
It all began with making the dream a reality. Finding a group who were also beginning their journey with a teacher who encouraged us to discover our own unique creativity and in hindsight the cards all fell perfectly into place. Not only did I develop my own style but now I’m also passing on what I’ve discovered to other budding artists.
I get as much pleasure and enjoyment teaching these techniques as I do creating my own paintings and I feel very motivated and inspired at the end of each workshop. It’s wonderful watching the reactions of people just starting out. There’s quite a magical process takes places as the paints mix and merge which brings such delight and in some cases its almost a relief realising that with this particular method its impossible to make a mistake.
It really is a consuming process. One’s focus on the canvas and colour becomes a meditation within itself and all cares of the outside world are forgotten. Because of this, the creative process of art making is said to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional well being of individuals of all ages. It assists with coping with stress, depression, anxiety, traumatic experiences, improves memory and allows one great feelings of self-fulfillment.
People can escape the emotional effects of illness through art making. Research in hospitals has found that participants in art programs have better vitals and less complications sleeping. Research has also shown that art classes have a therapeutic effect on retired people’s well being. Participants who regularly take art classes when interviewed after art class participation said they felt that painting gave them a sense of satisfaction and achievement with their many free hours. It also boosted confidence, productivity and offered an opportunity for discussion and inclusion in a group of other interested people in a positive and uplifting environment.
There are many pluses with taking up the hobby of painting. Enjoying the company and collective creative energy of the group, stepping out of our busy lives for a short break and the beauty of hanging our very own art works in our home. I’m always thinking of the next canvas.